Appointing an Enduring Guardian will save your loved ones a lot of stress.
An Enduring Guardian is a legal document which allows you to nominate someone to look after your health decisions if you lose capacity.
Your enduring guardian can make decisions about where you live, what services you might receive as well as more specific decisions about medical and healthcare treatments you might need.
An Enduring Guardian does not have the right to make decisions about your money, change your will, or consent to you receiving an operation that might affect your ability to have children.
What happens if I don’t have an Enduring Guardian?
If you lose capacity and don’t have an Enduring Guardian, someone will have to apply to the Guardianship Tribunal and be appointed your manager.
By preparing Enduring Guardian documents early and nominating someone you trust to take care of your health decisions you can help your loved ones avoid the added stress and costs of applying for guardianship.
SCL can help you to choose the right people and process for your estate. For a quote on preparing Enduring Guardian documents, contact our office today.